Episode #6 Embrace the Future: How AI Can Transform Your Life

Kara Charron

December 16, 2024

Kara dives into the transformative role of AI in both personal and business contexts, emphasizing that it should be viewed as a powerful assistant rather than a replacement for human creativity. She encourages listeners to embrace AI as an opportunity for growth, suggesting that it can enhance productivity and streamline tasks in our daily lives. By sharing insights on how AI can assist with content creation and customer service, Kara illustrates its potential to save time and improve efficiency. She urges those who are skeptical to adopt a more open-minded perspective, highlighting that fear and resistance to change can hinder personal and professional development. Ultimately, Kara inspires her audience to explore how AI can contribute to a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment.


  • AI is becoming an integral part of our lives and is here to stay.

  • Embracing AI as a tool can enhance creativity and improve efficiency in business.

  • It's essential to direct AI effectively, as it cannot function without guidance.

  • Using AI can help create content quickly and efficiently without replacing human input.

  • Adopting an open-minded approach towards AI can lead to personal and professional growth.

  • AI can assist in various aspects of life, from meal planning to business strategy.


Hey there, I'm Kara and welcome to Design youn Dream Life podcast where we dive in and explore how you can use practical personal development to up level your life.

Whether you are looking to have better or deeper relationships, fix your problems with money, learn to love yourself unconditionally, leave a dead end or high stress career, or just want more happiness in your life, my friend, you are in the right place. Are you ready? Hello my friends and welcome to another episode of Design your dream life. I am Carol. I am your host today.

And today I want to talk about AI because this seems to be a trend that just keeps on picking up steam.

And whether you're for AI or against AI, I would love for you to get to a neutral place because regardless of what you feel about AI, it's not going anywhere. You know, there's people who are like, oh my gosh, it's going to ruin everything.

Like, here's the thing, I feel like in every stage of growth there has been pushback. So think about AI as when Google first came out, everybody was like, what is this? What is this?

Oh my gosh, Google, it has all this information, it can track you, it can do all the things like, oh my gosh, it's so scary. And look how Google has evolved, right? And now it's just a way of life. And I feel like that is literally what is happening to AI. It's a way of life.

Now. Some people are so scared that it is going to replace them, that it's going to make people lose their jobs.

But if you change your mindset around it and look at it as an assistant, because it cannot yet replace a human, not with good quality anyways. I mean, I utilize AI a lot in my business. My clients do.

And man, it is just like the best virtual assistant, the best employee, but it, it cannot function on its own. It is not something that's going to run without direction.

And so with that in mind, if you can be the person that can help direct that, then you are ahead of the curve.

Because I feel like more and more people are like, and companies are starting to embrace AI, so you might actually have AI departments, AI training on how you can effectively be a better employee and use AI to help you not do your job for you. But I think it is definitely something that is not going to go away, right?

And I think that as you start to embrace it, you can use it in your personal life, you can use it in your business life and everything in between. AI, I believe, is the future. And it's Actually a time saving superpower.

It is something that you can sit down with and strategize with and brainstorm with and again, go back and forth with and not take it at face value and push back. And you can train it in your voice, you can train it on the types of information that you are open to.

So again, like you can even set boundaries with AI. And so today let's just talk about using AI as your business bff. And so what are some of the things that we can do with it?

So obviously content creation is huge, is a huge, huge part. And what's really fascinating is you can give it ideas on the type of content that you're looking to create and go back and forth with it.

You can also use it. There are people who are now even using AI as chatbot, as customer service.

And it's like that first instant reaction and again, not saying that it's replacing the person, but it is this quick connection and then it can get sent to an actual human.

So it's not necessarily replacing the human, it is just putting a step in front and again, allowing somebody to potentially get a problem solved before having to utilize an actual human, if that makes sense. So why should we use AI? Like why? And what is it about AI? I mean again, it's a tool, it's not a replacement.

Like I want you to think of it as you are the creative director, the AI is your assistant. So you're leveraging AI to work smarter, not hard, harder. Right. And AI can enhance your human creativity. It doesn't replace it.

Like again, I feel like the people who use AI the best are the ones that can figure out the right prompts.

And as you'll notice like people are selling these prompts and even these custom thing ChatGPT, the custom GPTs, right, where you're literally they're building out team members. But again, someone has to oversee this because it's not like it just is going to do it for you. You know what I mean? Like, yes.

So you know, when it first came out, people were like, oh my gosh, copywriters. Like this is so insane.

But you still need to know copy, you still need to know your audience and you still need to direct the AI in order to get something really, really good. Yeah, sure. Can it spit out know mediocrity? Yes. Like you can have mediocre copy pretty easy.

But this is also one of the things of like, you know, the old days, I remember when it was like you had to write sales emails or you had to Write sales copy or ad creative. And you're like literally looking at a blank screen and then you might be looking at some of your competitors copy and all of that.

And then you're trying and you're like, oh.

And you're trying to think of all these angles and all this stuff where now it's just, it's so quick to come up with a variety of ideas now do you have to be careful? For sure.

There was recently online I heard and I don't even know these people, so I don't know this detailed about people, about somebody calling out somebody for stealing their framework name or something like that. And they're like, well, I just used AI to come up with a name.

And so here's the reality because like this was all blown up and the other person apparently called them out in public on social, which is kind of ridiculous. But and then also then just playing the card of like, oh, I used AI. Well, here's the thing. This has been going on for a long time.

I remember many, many, many years ago when I was working with a company and we had a specific planner and we actually went into a lawsuit because the two planners had very similar names and, and both had trademarks, but it was like trademark infringement. I don't like, it was really interesting. So this stuff has been going on for such a long time. You have to think about it.

Like you can have an idea that somebody else has and not know that they have it. Like that is a thing. And so when you're using AI, it's that same type of concept, right?

It's like, yeah, can you try and fact check to make sure it's original? But is anything really original? No content is original. I feel like at this point in life, I feel like there's so much out there.

Everyone's just regurgitating and putting their own spin on things. And so if we look at it that way, unless you have a copyright and I've accidentally infringed on it, which my bad, then let me change that.

I didn't know, like this is just a part of life. I think people have to be aware that, you know, first of all, people will copy you. People will blatantly copy your ideas a hundred percent.

Deal with this all the time with my clients, the amount of copycats that are out there. But again, you can't let that hold you back.

And if you are being accused of copying and you honestly, like you didn't and that wasn't your intention, but it happens to be identical, like to Me, I just own it, apologize and move on.

Like, and again, if you don't own a copy, like, if you don't own the trademark and you don't have it copyrighted, then honestly, like, sorry, like, yeah, you might have used it first, but you know what I mean, like, okay, like, no big deal. I feel like some people in business tend to just really, I don't know, sometimes overreact.

And I feel like if you can get to a neutral place and like, at the end of the day, my intention was not to hurt you. My intention, you know, was not evil, then, okay, like, some people do have evil intentions.

And I think you have to learn how to identify what somebody's intentions really are. And so I feel like before AI, there were lawsuits about, you know, people copying or infringing and all of the things.

And so with AI, is it a little easier? Sure. Because now all of a sudden you've got a list of all the things and it's using the data on the web out there to help brainstorm.

And you can ask it for original stuff, you can ask it for and, and who knows, like, maybe what you ask it for, you're asking to go back and forth and create original content, but at the end of the day, like, you have no idea if it is truly original. So. But does that mean that you should not use AI? In my opinion, no.

Like I said, you can either embrace it or you can try and, you know, rebel against it, but AI is not going anywhere. And so again, look at the Internet. The Internet is continually, like it's evolving, right?

You know, there's a saying of like, you're either growing or you're dying, right? And especially in this culture of this we're always advancing, you can either get on the bandwagon or you can get left behind.

Now, if you are trying to create more freedom in your life, AI is definitely a tool that I really encourage you to utilize. And now more than ever, it's just, it's so easy. So why be afraid of it? Like, to me, I keep educating myself on it.

I am consistently learning about it. I am doing workshops and, you know, online conferences. I think I'm probably even going to go to an in person conference all about AI next year.

Like, it is definitely something that is a whole huge part of an industry. Like, I almost think like it's its own industry because it's like going into so many other industries.

It's not even just the marketing industry that AI is penetrating. Right? It's like everyone. And so if you can again get ahead because of it, then that is something that you should embrace and not be fearful.

And you can absolutely disagree with me, that's totally fine. You can think that AI is horrible in stealing people's stuff and all of that. And, and you know what, that's good for you.

If you have that thought in that belief, then absolutely we are allowed to disagree. I always like to say that it's like, listen, I never think that my way is the only way and then it's the right way.

Just like I don't think that other people's is either. Like that's the beauty of being an individual. Right? We can agree to disagree.

And so if you're somebody who is completely anti AI listening to this and it's making you so mad, I would just say take a breath my friend, and be open to things. I think one of the things that has made me really successful in my life is that I am just open to all of the things. Like I never am close minded.

I feel like if you can open your mind and be open minded, you will go really, really far. And I think also, you know, I'm definitely one who has boundaries and there are hills that I will die on.

But generally speaking, when it comes to trying new things, I'm like, yeah, yeah, a hundred percent. Like I will definitely try anything once for sure. And I don't believe there is a wrong way and a right way in a lot of things.

It's just a way to try things.

And I think if you approach things with an open mind and with an attitude of being curious and not that somebody has to be right and somebody has to be wrong and like this is bad or this is good, then I think that you're actually going to have a happier life, you know, because who wants to? I mean, does it feel good to be mad? No. Does it feel good to like think that AI is going to take over the world and where's like no.

And the reality is you don't have control over that. So why are we wasting our time even putting our energy there?

Like, I would rather put my energy towards something positive and something that I can control and remind people. Like, I don't focus on what I can't control, I really focus on what I can control. And for me that has helped me to create a life of freedom.

A life of like doing things on my terms and just living my best life.

And so I feel like if you are really serious about wanting to create more freedom in your life, then you should Be serious about becoming an AI expert, honestly. And I will tell you that as you go down that path and you learn more and more about it and what it can do for you.

I mean, I even have it make my meal plans and give me recipe ideas like. And shopping lists like it. It can be so many things. It can be your life coach, it can be your business coach. It can be everything in between.

So it just depends on what you want to use it for. Now, again, it's only as good as you train it and the inputs you put in and that's where it comes super powerful. Right?

Is can you be really good at creating the content and the questions? I guess, like, should I say content? I mean, can you get really good at prompts?

Because the better you can get at guiding the AI, the better results you're gonna get and the more in love you're gonna be. So that's what I'm gonna say to you today, my friends, if you haven't embraced AI. Man, there's so many things out there to. I use multiple.

Like ChatGPT is definitely where I started and I still have it, but I also love quad. Like, I have. I pay for both. I do both paid plans.

And to me, it's definitely worth it for all of the things like, like I said, there's just personal business, all of it. There's so much benefit. So I encourage you to go with an open mind and explore AI and ask yourself, how can AI make my freedom lifestyle come true?

What are the things I can start doing with AI and question yourself and see what you come up with. All right, my friends, have an awesome week and I will see you on the next one.

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